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On the tenth anniversary of the release of Metallica's St. Anger, Rob remembered that I had made some off the cuff remarks that some...

Latest News

Miss May I are currently trekking through North America supporting Killswitch Engage on their epic tour. As their bus was driving through Texas, the...


Just to add to the already huge hype of Extol announcing their self-titled and posting a sweet single, you can now hear five minutes of...


Slayer announced yesterday that they would be reuniting with drummer Paul Bostaph in the wake of their split with founding drummer Dave Lombardo over financial disagreements. Lombardo...


Autopsy are coming back to mutilate us all this year with their sixth record, The Headless Ritual. The newest single "The Arch Cadaver" will...

At The Movies

Did you know Rob Zombie's new movie, The Lords of Salem has been out for a month now? Chances are you didn't, or perhaps...


Capture the Crown released this new song called "Rebearth." Why is there a reference to a bear in the title, you ask? Mainly because...


At one point Killing Joke were one of the most bulletproof post-punk bands around. Releasing their first single in 1978, they were right there with Wire and Gang of...

Weekly Injection

The metal world has been getting really heavy lately (pun intended, but I'm not proud of it). There has been death, a murder plot,...

Latest News

When you think of seven string guitar gods, what's the first name that pops into your mind? Fredrik Thordendal of Meshuggah? Tosin Abasi of...


Just the name Grime is about all you need to take away to get an idea of whether you'll like their material or not....

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.”...

Quick Bits

Greetings once again all you metal nerds. This was a rough week. Rough in a sense that there was almost too much good stuff...


Everyone has that band that got them into music, or into a genre. And no matter how mediocre or revolutionary that band is, you'll...


The resurgence of that classic heavy metal sound abounds in a huge way lately, though under the guise of labels like "stoner rock" and...


I suggest you leave any pre-conceived notions about piracy at the door before you read this article; Trevor is telling is exactly like it is,...

Fuck Yes!

The metal blogosphere blew the fuck up yesterday when the Belgian festival "Metal Méan" posted on their Facebook that Nachtmystium had broken up. According to...


Over the last few days, the rumor mill was abuzz that longtime heavy metal power couple, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne were splitting. It started...

Latest News

Apparently Ghost B.C. think the addition of "B.C." is dumb and refuse to even acknowledge it. They also said they'd summon Satan to kill...


In case you haven’t heard the news or the teaser material, Finnish humppa-metallers Finntroll—Vreth, Trollhorn, Beast Dominator & Co.—are back with their seventh studio...

Metal Injection Exclusives

We asked Richmond VA's Iron Reagan (featuring members of Municipal Waste and Darkest Hour) for their top 10 reasons why YOU should buy their...

Weekly Injection

Holy shit! In stark contrast to last week, the labels seem to be operating under the assumption that you have plenty of capital left...


Last I looked the economy was still in the shitter, so the theme of this year's preface is doing SXSW on the (relative) cheap....