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I love Instagram, it's my favorite social network. Besides forgoing the clutter of pointless status updates, and just focusing on photos, it's the only...

Upcoming Releases

Back in August, we reported that Death Ray Vision, the band which features  Shadows Fall frontman Brian Fair, Killswitch Engage bassist Mike D'Antonio, Seemless guitarist Peter Cortese, drummer Colin Conway...

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Anders Nystrom is a man many people know for his work in the legendary Swedish metal band Katatonia.  He is also known by many...

Upcoming Releases

Recently, Machine Head frontman Robb Flynn announced that the band has completed their contract with Roadrunner Records and may possibly be signing elsewhere. Turns out,...

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Decrepit Birth can't seem to catch a break lately. A few days ago, their van caught on fire, but thankfully, they got a replacement...

Upcoming Releases

In five days it'll be October, which in my mind signifies the beginning of Fall. And do you know what that means? Pumpkin beer,...


If you haven't been reading the Melvins' tour diaries from their 51 Shows In 51 Days Tour, you are missing out on some great...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.”...

Injection Reflection

Summer is almost over, but the metal world is heating up with controversy. Here are the 10 most visited pages on the site this...


I don't think it was necessarily a surprise when Testament knocked it out of the park with 2008's The Formation of Damnation. Fans may...

Upcoming Releases

It is not a good week, my friends. Not a good week at all. At first glance, I noticed that there were hardly any...

Mustaine Mania

One of biggest stories of the week here at Metal Injection, statistically speaking, was our coverage of Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine saying that Barack...

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When he's not busy taking photos with fans or telling people not to touch his hat, Fred Durst is busy giving interviews to international...


Last weekend I left the city of London, whose populous were mainly frothing at the mouth over the Olympics, and headed north to Derbyshire...

Upcoming Releases

It's finally here folks, one of the most anticipated albums of the year; does The Faceless' new one deliver? Kind of (don't hate me)....


Ever since Peter Dolving quit The Haunted a few months ago, both he and the remaining band members have kept quiet on his departure....

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Yesterday, we showed you images of Emmure frontman Frankie Palmeri's incredibly tacky and poorly designed clothing line featuring offensive and racist imagery on them....

Upcoming Releases

Good reviews all around this week (kind of). But still, my relative good mood aside, we've got some genuinely awesome stuff coming out, from...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...

Upcoming Releases

Solid releases all around this week, so let's get right into it: we'll take a look at highly anticipated albums from Baroness and The...

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Here you will find a collection of photographs of Dave Hill at a recent Def Leppard, Poison, Lita Ford concert. Needless to say he...


It's come down to this, a back and forth on what really happened, last Friday, July 6th at Webster Hall when founding Cro-Mags bassist...

Upcoming Releases

With new releases from Serj Tankian and P.O.D. this week, I feel like I'm a 13-year-old outcast in a corner with a portable CD...