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Now that it's been a few hours since the news has gotten out about Randy Blythe being arrested in Prague, Czech Republic yesterday, musicians...

Upcoming Releases

When I write the name Danny Marianino, your first thought is to go "who?" but then if I mentioned oh, the guy from the Northside...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast chalks up another episode, leaving fifty episodes in the can. They say life begins at fifty, and who am I to argue?...


A quick A/V roundup to close out our Tuesday, new music from Agalloch and Old Man Gloom and a cover from Born Of Osiris…...

Latest News

Just to quickly recap, Giraffe Tongue Orchestra is highly anticipated side-project from Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds and Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman. They...

Latest News

As a Philadelphia resident, sports lover and horror buff all I have to say is, Phuck yeah! Rob Zombie has just announced that he...

Tour Dates

Saskatchewan progressive metal masters Into Eternity have announced tour dates for their North American Devastation Tour, with support from Single Bullet Theory and Riksha....

Bummer Alert

Some shitty news to kick off the week. Animals As Leaders, fresh off their bullshit court date, returned home from their tour with Thrice...

Upcoming Releases

I can say this: don't be disappointed in the lack of releases here. This week is necessary. Take the time to relax, catch up...

Hand Ov Doom

It's been a while but the Hand ov Doom has finally returned from Maryland Deathfest. We're getting back to the grim, stark reality of...


I don't really follow the lives of Hollywood Undead, the west coast rap/rock hybrid but apparently their vocalist Aron "Deuce" Erlichman dropped a deuce...


While I personally am not the biggest fan of Peta, I have to agree with the message sent in this video: fur is bullshit....


It's already humpday! Very excited. This week is flying by. Let's kick the day off with new music from Whitechapel, Old Man Gloom and...

It's Just Business

I've said it before, if you only follow one musician on Twitter, make it Randy Blythe, frontman of Lamb of God (@lambvox). The guy...


It shouldn't be a shocker to anyone that Slayer loves booze. It also shouldn’t be a surprise that their favorite libation of them all...


Ok, I didn't believe that Mayan-calendar-2012-end-of-the-world bullshit before, but now I'm sort of questioning myself as news has surfaced that Fred Durst is collaborating...


In one of the funnier things I have read this week, some chick recently attended the Gigantour date in Chicago and ended up getting...

Breakups & Shakeups

Looks like the clues were right! A few months ago Oceano said they were calling it quits and their last show would be at...

Hand Ov Doom

The hour is upon you! Forfeit your souls to the Infernal Proclamators Ben Danger and Robben the Grave! Worship at the Altar of the...


I've been rooting for Seattle natives Black Breath since receiving their Razor to Oblivion EP in the mail back in 2008. Unfortunately, in my (admittedly minority)...

Show Recap

Click here for over 200 photos from Inferno Festival! This being my first trip ever to Switzerland, coupled with the awesome task of covering...


Well, this is a bummer. I leave my computer unattended for a few hours and all hell breaks loose. Our forums, which use vBulletin...


Final installment, y'all. If you don't already have an app to get your shit together you can find one here. You'll want to utilize...