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After releasing several records on several different labels, Relapse Records has announced that it has signed Cleveland, Ohio, metal/hardcore vets Ringworm to its roster....

Injection Reflection

Damn it, Slayer. You're not supposed to fight about money, you're f'n Slayer!!!! That was definitely the biggest news of the week, but there...

Tour Dates

Wasn't Rocklahoma a hair metal festival at one point? I guess the times change. Today, the promoters of the Memorial Day Oklahoma hoedown announced...


Remember Sockweb? We posted about the father/daughter grind duo a few weeks ago, and they melted blackened hearts everywhere, with their song about pancakes....

Latest News

Yesterday, in an interview with Esquire magazine, the Navy SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden said that he happened to be a fan of...

Music Videos

Shadows Fall's latest video for their song Forevermore with some sick footage of the Red Bull Air Race

Music Videos

Shadows Fall's latest video for their song Forevermore with some sick footage of the Red Bull Air Race

Music Videos

Deception Of A Ghost are excited to announce their new music video for the song "These Voices" off their debut full length album "Speak...


My bro Vince over at MetalSucks tipped me off that Hateform will release a new record this year, and I'd love the new track...

Tour Dates

Alice In Chains have big things planned for 2013. Last week, they released the music video for their new single "Hollow", which is the...

Breakups & Shakeups

The big news last week was  Rob Caggiano announcing he is leaving his position as guitarist of Anthrax to focusing on producing full-time. Naturally,...

Latest News

Machine Head's recently concluded tour with Dethklok will be memorable to Robb Flynn for many reasons, but some of which are not the most...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year:


Yesterday, we reported some bummer news, as longtime All Shall Perish guitarist Ben Orum announced he was leaving the band. The decision wasn't an...

Mustaine Mania

One thing I'm sad about is that Megadeth is winding down their current tour. Why am I sad? It means there is less of...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.”...

Latest News

Avenged Sevenfold are keeping plenty busy nowadays. They just released a new track for the new Call Of Duty video game, and appear at...

Breakups & Shakeups

Say it ain't so! Cerebral Bore is a band we've been huge supports of here at Metal Injection for…basically ever. Well, it looks like...

Mustaine Mania

Wow, Dave. It's only been one day since we last wrote about your looney defenses, and here you again saying something amazingly non-sensical. While...

Latest News

We just received a press release from handlers of Jim Martin, the former guitarist of Faith No More, who played guitars on every FNM...

Latest News

Korn sure know how to keep themselves in the headlines. After experimenting with the inclusion of dubstep on their last record, the band is...

Breakups & Shakeups

Things seemed a little fishy in The Black Dahlia Murder camp, when live footage started surfacing from their current tour (dates here) and it...

Show Recap

So here I am back at Station 4 in St. Paul, waiting in line to be conquered by some of the finest metal bands...