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Weekly Injection

Every blue moon, we in the metal community get hit with a fuckton of great releases. It's amazing, but sadly looks like this will...


One-off collaborations are nothing new to heavy metal. There's no other genre, save hip-hop, that spawns as many side projects and (forgive me for...


Early last week, after reports of throat slashings at their show in El Paso, Broken Hope found themselves without a tour after being kicked...

Latest News

We have some new info on the scary scene at the Tricky Falls club in El Paso, Texas on Tuesday night, Oct. 22. During Broken...


Well, this has been an eventful 24 hours for Broken Hope to say the least. During the band's performance, three (not one, as originally...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Free Swag

In light of today's hilarious video of Justin Bieber jamming out to Metallica's "Fade to Black" and the oncoming shit-storm of butthurt, we figured...

Latest News

Earlier on in September, Machine Head frontman Robb Flynn made a joke (we think it was a joke?) about Avenged Sevenfold's new albums essentially...


Just in time for a supporting slot with fellow Austinites The Sword – having already toured with that band and Clutch – Texas power trio American Sharks unleash a...

Music Videos

Got two minutes to spare? Watch the new Iron Reagan video and have twenty seconds to spare! Iron Reagan is an 80s throwback band featuring members...


Can't think anything other than "Holy shit, I've seeing Shining Thursday with Cormorant." What should I wear to a "blackjazz" show? Corpse paint? Fancy...

Latest News

A few weeks back we reported on some serious allegations levied towards Necrophobic frontman Tobias Sidegard by Swedish authorities.  Among the domestic abuse charges, his...


We've already told you all about Toxic Holocaust's upcoming record Chemistry of Consciousness, but now you can hear it! Fun fact- it's heavy.


Friday afternoon is the perfect time for some hair metal drama. Sebastian Bach has historically been known to talk a lot of crap. In all...

Metal Science

We metalheads aren't all grumpy and depressed all the time. We're actually quite happy. The Atlantic published a new article today about finding happiness...

Upcoming Releases

Bad news, good news and potentially better news. The bad news: This is a really slow week for metal. The good news: The few...


The self-proclaimed confused and anxious bunch in Nervous have unleashed their first full length on Twelve Gauge Records. The album is a mix of...

Latest News

Yesterday the Internet was abuzz with news that Necrophobic frontman Tobias Sidegard was to be thrown in Swedish jail for 18 months after domestic...

Metal Crimes

Don't expect frontman Tobias Sidegard to be at the next Necrophobic show you attend, as the frontman is currently in a Swedish prison for 18...

Mustaine Mania

We've had a lot of fun at Dave Mustaine's expense. To be fair, he makes it real easy for us. We've created a whole...


Mutoid Man, featuring members of Converge and Cave In, sounds exactly like what you'd hope a super heavy (and fast) version of Clutch would...


If you don't follow Randy Blythe on Instagram, you're missing out on some great stories and great photographs. Every now and then, Randy will...

Oh, Danzig

I feel like it's been forever since Glenn Danzig said something insane. We created a section on the site for such lunacy and it...