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Roadrunner have been a record label since 1980 and have naturally accured one hell of a back catalogue for fans to dive into. To...

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The last few weeks have been here in the Weekly Injection corner of the Metal Injection Tower. I write blurbs on a bunch of...

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Mutoid Man, featuring members of Converge and Cave In, have premiered the artwork for their debut Helium Head, as well as a release date!...

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Manowar, the truest of true metal warriors and live action cartoon band, are celebrating the 25th anniversary of their 1988 masterpiece, Kings of Metal, by re-recording...

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Gwar's Oderus Urungus is oddly the voice of reason when it comes to pretty much everything going on in the metal community. Unsurprisingly, everything...


Metal supergroup Corrections House are taking a very DIY approach to making music as the band has recorded their own debut album, and will...

Open Metacast

After a brief hiatus we decided to make up for it by just blasting your eardrums with non-stop metal music. In that spirit we...

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I really couldn't tell you how true this is or not, but with something that absurd I'm inclined to believe it. The bottom line...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


In case you haven't checked your Facebook feed this morning, a lot of people are pissed at Rolling Stone magazine. The once-respected publication revealed...

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For a lot of bands the sophomore release is a big deal. And for some it's a make or break moment as to whether...

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Seriously, this is really funny. You get to see Al use the term "limp dickster" and make fun of Fred a lot, which should...


Oh, wow! That was my reaction about 15 seconds into the new All Pigs Must Die song. 


Everyone has seen or heard that thing that someone just nailed head on; hitting the mark with only one shot as though they didn't...

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While bands like Slayer are entrenched in ridiculous politics due to a certain member being kind of a douche, the Cro-Mags are dealings with...


Tiger Flowers seem like a pretty no-bullshit band on their new track, which rocks way harder than I thought a band called Tiger Flowers...


Mammoth Grinder offer up their latest single "Paragon Pusher," and it's violent as fuck.

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Unearth have left Metal Blade Records to hop on EOne Music for their upcoming release later on this year! A release that will feature...


Children of Bodom have never taken themselves all that seriously. For a band that is probably known to more random Youtubers for their novelty cover...

It's Just Business

If you read our review of Super Collider or listened to this week's Livecast, you know that we are not such big fans of...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


A certain amount of fanfare trumpets the return of the regal beast that is Black Sabbath: neither a comically castrating reality show nor endless amounts...


For a variety of reasons, The Black Dahlia Murder was once a pariah to many self-styled "true metalheads", who tied them to the metalcore...