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Search results for "Thrash"

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Thy Catafalque, Stöner, Scale The Summit, Pestilence, Light The Torch, Lacuna Coil, Fractal Universe, and Dream Theater.

Scene Report

We have all seen those articles highlighting bands in every US state. China is also a country with many metal bands, and many provinces....

New Music

So remember when Miley Cyrus said she was working on a Metallica covers album? We assumed, like many that she meant she was working...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Alustrium, Crobat, Hacktivist, Tom Morello & The Bloody Beatroots, Wanderer, and a collection of artists celebrating Batman.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. ALUSTRIUM – Deliverance For the Damned Philadelphia's Alustrium roar into their...


Say what you will about Dino Cazares, but the Fear Factory lynchpin has dealt with the highest of highs and lowest of lows since...

Five Favorite Records

A true grindhouse artist with a love of gritty violence, grizzly imagery and the darkest of pitch black humor, Necro’s work is the stuff...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Terra Odium, Go Ahead And Die, Mammoth WVH, Orphan Donor, Machine Head, Mr. Bungle, Mother of All, and Flying Cupid.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. DARKTHRONE – Hate Cloak Darkthrone's nine-minute opus return (thanks You Tube...


Ever want your music to scream to you from the bowels of hell? This Brazilian/Dutch death metal outfit may be the fix you've been...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. COFFIN LURKER – Of Suffering A murky wind of growling guitar...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Necronemesis, Inhuman Condition, Hannes Grossmann, Desaster, Boss Keloid, Flotsam & Jetsam, and Sojourner,

Metal Merch

Matt McGachy, the vocalist of extreme metal band Cryptopsy, and host of the Vox&Hops Metal Podcast is launching the first edition of Vox&Hops Brewtal...

Latest News

"I think Roots is a courageous record with some really cool stuff in it."

Tech-Death Tuesday

Initially, I was going to review the new Hannes Grossmann album today but seeing as another reviewer here already did so a few weeks...

Music Videos

Former Exodus vocalist Rob Dukes is back with new music from his Generation Kill project, and he invited an old friend to join him....

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Alestorm, Stormruler, Silver Lake, Perturbator, Burning Witches, Eminence, Noctule and Satanic Planet.

Music Videos

35 years into their career, Pestilence continues to evolve their sound and explore new corners of extreme metal. Their latest track, "Deificvs", is as...

Music Videos

Canadian born power/thrash metal outfit Lycanthro have released their most recent single from their upcoming album Mark of the Wolf. Lycanthro effortlessly blends influences...


One of the few pearls of wisdom my parents bestowed upon my sibling and I outside those rare moments they weren’t allowing the boob...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Vexed, Vulture, Amorphis, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Mothman and The Thunderbirds, Dr. Colossus, Yautja, and The Devil Wears Prada.