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Search results for "Thrash"

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Poppy, Sleep Token, Veilburner, Exxiles, Insect Ark, The Body & Big|Brave, and Cognizance,


Metal fans know that Dave Lombardo has worn a hat or two in his day. The former Slayer stickman has held down the fort...


There is more to the German music scene than Rammstein, Accept, Oomph!, Lindemann, Doro, Scorpions, and Megaherz. Metal fans will remember Kreator and Sodom...


He's a living legend in heavy metal. The drummer's drummer and the cornerstone to perhaps the greatest thrash metal band ever. Previous comments aside,...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Alien Weaponry, Charlotte Wessels, and Employed To Serve.


"Employed to Serve sounds like they’re playing the music they’ve always wanted to write, and it’s hard not to love them for it."

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with the premiere of the Dickless Tracy’s Grave New World. I know in the...


"While most of the Bay Area thrash scene are rapidly approaching their final bows, Metallica just keep on getting bigger. Rock on, guys. You...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Andrew W.K., Chrome Waves, Inferi, and Anette Olzen.


"Don’t be surprised if the name starts cropping up in future conversations and on year-end lists."


The year 2001 was absolutely massive for heavy music. Metal had branched out in a multitude of different directions across all corners of the...

Latest News

Slipknot is back on the road, and to celebrate Corey Taylor has unveiled a new mask. The Iowa metal masters performed at Rocklahoma festival...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from The Necrosexual, The Night Flight Orchestra, Sermon of Flames, Auri, Portrait, and Two Minutes To Late Night.


Hooded Menace heap conglomerate stacks of sound straight outta a pair of sock-stuffed spandex, drawing from the Sunset Strip as much as it does...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from The Bronx, Ex Deo, Hooded Menace, Moon Unit, Summoner's Circle, Our Place of Worship is Silence, Turnstile, White Stones, and Wormwitch.

Latest News

"The only bad thing I can say is that it's too short."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Warkings, Wolves In The Throne Room, Sodom, Blasphemous Creation, Arcane Existence, The Dead Deads, and Ulver.


Bombenhagel is a compact celebration of their caustic chemistry. The spoils of Sodom's long running crusade are bestowed upon all of us.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Ænigmatum, Fleshbore, Lorna Shore, Quicksand, Slaughter To Prevail, and Unreqvited.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. ALIEN WEAPONRY – Buried Underground New Zealand's Alien Weaponry have been...

Back in the Day

Metallica had truly pushed the thrash metal template to it’s boundaries on their fourth album, 1988’s …And Justice For All. Lengthy songs filled with...