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It’s unfortunate that the later career of At The Gates is overshadowed by the departure of lead guitarist Anders Björler, but it’s understandable. Björler’s...

Scene Report

We have all seen those articles highlighting bands in every US state. China is also a country with many metal bands, and many provinces....

Upcoming Releases

The Metallica Blacklist covers compilation features 53 artists covering Metallica.

Bands and Booze

It's almost hard to believe that it's the 30th anniversary of Metallica's smash self-titled 1991 album, affectionately referred to as The Black Album. Metallica...


Bad Wolves revealed earlier this week that their new vocalist is former The Acacia Strain guitarist and renowned singer-songwriter Daniel “DL” Laskiewicz. Today, the band...

Latest News

…former The Acacia Strain guitarist and renowned singer-songwriter Daniel “DL” Laskiewicz, following the exit of former vocalist Tommy Vext earlier in the year. Bad...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Initially, I was going to review the new Hannes Grossmann album today but seeing as another reviewer here already did so a few weeks...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Vexed, Vulture, Amorphis, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Mothman and The Thunderbirds, Dr. Colossus, Yautja, and The Devil Wears Prada.

Record Sales

Congratulations are in order for Gojira, who have seen their best showing on the Billboard charts for their new album, Fortitude. The album charted...

Metal Crimes

A punk show under a freeway in the Cypress Park section of Los Angeles got really wild last Saturday when the cops showed up....


If there’s one thing – well, one more thing – we can dump into the lap of the Covid-19 pandemic it’s the amplification of...

Full Album Stream

If the last year has reaffirmed anything, it's that human decency is pure optics. The notion of national, corporate, or individual virtue is a...


Tobias “Wintherr” Möckl has been releasing cold, raw, harsh black metal under the Paysage d'Hiver pseudonym since 1997, and bears the standard of Swiss...


Fans have long argued about which Zao era truly takes the cake, but many more should acknowledge the band’s late-career resurgence. Classics like Sprinter...

Record Sales

Some people found it hard to process that a band like Chevelle, who has sold 6 million records to date, hadn't seen a penny...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

It's Just Business

Some privacy experts are concerned about where the data is going.


Join us as we scour the grounds of Korn’s dark labyrinth for some hidden treasures...