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Upcoming Releases

The book is 648 pages that chronicles the band's history with hundreds of previously unpublished photographs.


Kamelot have achieved an illustrious career over an impressive 30-some years. A band with this kind of longevity and fan-base practically owes it to...

Upcoming Releases

Ronnie James Dio lives in comic form! Z2 comics unveiled their 2021 lineup, and one of the featured releases will be a Holy Diver graphic novel....

New Music

Underground death metal is one of the hardest working genres out there. The constant marketing, the struggle to stand out in such a saturated...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Deprivation Tactics.


Inspiration can manifest in the most interesting ways. Artistry could stem from hours spent immersed in subject matter; it could form spontaneously—as if art...

Upcoming Releases

Deftones know how to keep their name in the press.


"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...

Upcoming Releases

Also, Chino sort of gave away the game.

Upcoming Releases

Deftones have been saying maybe, possibly, a new album might be coming in September, and we're pretty sure they figured things out, based on what's...

Tour Dates

A unique setting to see the metal legends.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include vampires swearing in front of children, the opposite of smooth jazz metal, a surprising number of violins,...

Shocking Revelations

Lars Ulrich's drum sound on Metallica's 2003 release on St. Anger have become a hot topic of conversation recently. Producer Bob Rock explained how the...

Latest News

We were very bummed to read about the allegations against metal burger chain Kuma's Corner last week. A former employee accused the owners and...

Record Sales

Yesterday, we learned that the tidal wave of publicity Trapt got in recent months led to the band's lowest sales figures ever for their...

New Music

Whether you’re an established aficionado or a newcomer, the video for “Get Out! Now!” is sure to satisfy and build anticipation for Transitus.

Best of 2020

I asked the staff at Metal Injection to contribute their five favorite albums of 2020 so far with brief words why they picked them....

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

New Music

It's an exceptionally brutal effort, even for Full of Hell.