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We all know that today, extreme metal drumming is like a goddamn action sport. Modern death metal drummers, in particular, are just, they’re going...


Translating from Icelandic as “All This Damn Darkness,” Allt Tetta Helvitis Myrkur doubles down on the most haunting aspects of Katla's brand of atmospheric...

It's Just Business

The concert promoter is working on a plan to open, even if a vaccine isn't readily available by next summer.


Sólstafir brings its massive arrangements and rustic grit to notably accessible territory, rounded off by some callbacks to a savage past.


Dave Davidson of Gargoyl and Revocation is no stranger to the world of music and exploring all of its different areas. Most commonly, you...


Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou bring the best out of each other, with plenty of sonic staples for fans of both artists to chew...


The long-awaited fourth album from Mr. Bungle returns to the band's thrash metal roots, seeking to realize the potential of its first demo.

Upcoming Releases

The first single from Necroceros is due out November 6.

Full Album Stream

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


In the wake of Eddie Van Halen's tragic passing, we've been learning about what could've been. We learned a reunion tour with David Lee...


Five Finger Death Punch sure got people talking with the release of their controversial new music video for "Living the Dream." The video features...


Read an in-depth interview with the band’s creative spring and check out an exclusive premiere of a brand-new animated video for “Ride into the...

Latest News

Live & Acoustic From HQ: Helping Hands Concert & Auction is coming soon.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

In celebration of Indigenous People's Day in the United States


It's never a dull day at the office when the buzzsaw Brits in Anaal Nathrakh are in the picture. Far removed from your paint-by-numbers...


The contributing elements that go into making noise rock an art form that’s at once gloriously transcendent, stridently isolating, sonically punishing, and slyly sarcastic...

Live Footage

"Oh Oderus, alas, how we miss your bellicose belligerence!"

New Music

A little more mid-paced than the first single.


Can you believe that Korn’s self-titled debut album is celebrating it's 26th birthday in 2020? The album is widely considered to be the genesis...

New Music

Man, it's so great hearing Jamey Jasta's voice screaming into my ear. Hatebreed have unveiled their new song, "Weight of the False Self" and...

At The Movies

Biopics are all the rage. Queen saw a huge career resurgence after their biopic. Elton John saw a boost. Ozzy is working on a...

Upcoming Releases

The book is 648 pages that chronicles the band's history with hundreds of previously unpublished photographs.