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Being out on the road right now must be very stressful. Apart from the day-to-day stress of touring, you also have to worry about...


"In The Court Of The Dragon is well-written, well-executed, and a bold new step in the Trivium world."


"Caravans to the Outer Worlds is a great EP and well worth repeated listens."

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Don your best battle vest and prepare for the flashbang of 80s resurgence that is Lavaborne. The Indianapolis based "power doom" outfit have bore...

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Nirvana's 1991 classic album Nevermind turns 30 on September 24, and the band is celebrating with a massive reissue of the album. Aside from...


Didn’t think prog-rock godfathers King Crimson could get heavy? Think again...


"For nine songs, God Is Partying feels like more of an EP than a full length. Still, this record is likely to satisfy those...


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...

Five Favorite Records

Being the frontman of two major and influential bands (Devildriver and Coal Chamber) as well as running his own SunCult brand, Dez Fafara might just be the busiest man in...

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How much more polish can you add to the classic Metallica song "Sad But True?" UK duo Royal Blood have added a little heavy...


This is our third post about Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" in the last 24 hours, but perhaps this is the best one? Another cover...


Somehow, singer-songwriter Phoebe Bridgers made Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" more somber with her cover contribution to the upcoming Metallica Black Album covers album, The...


The year 1991 was truly transitional for a world of rock and metal – the big, bright hair metal acts that dominated the mid...


Ever since Chester Bennington’s death, a funny thing has been happening with the back catalog of Linkin Park. Much like Kurt Cobain before him,...


Volbeat picked a unique song to cover for the upcoming Metallica "Black Album" covers album, The Metallica BlackList. They picked "Don't Tread on Me,"...

Back in the Day

In the modern era of music it’s generally expected that artists will take a minimum of around two years between studio releases, and if...

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It seems like every year, there is at least one small sliver of evidence that we might get a follow-up to the now legendary...

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When I think poetry, I think Five Finger Death Punch and their frontman Ivan Moody. Ivan Moody's Dirty Poetry is the new illustrated poetry...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

New Music

From the coming Black Album reissue.


Metallica has so much #content to keep pouring out over the next few weeks in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Black Album....