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"Employed to Serve sounds like they’re playing the music they’ve always wanted to write, and it’s hard not to love them for it."

Metal In The Mainstream

Earlier this week, Metallica performed "Nothing Else Matters" with Miley Cyrus and "Sad But True" on The Howard Stern Show. You can check out...


Not to harp on recent governmental moves towards regressive fundamentalism, but does this now mean that these (sorta) Belgian death metal greybeards aren’t allowed...


A lot of people conflate rap metal and nü-metal, but really, how many nü-metal bands rap? Perhaps the presence of turntables and baggy shorts...


“Of all the things I lost I miss my mind the most.” Ozzy Osbourne is a true “Master of [un]Reality.” If you think Ozzy’s...


How Aphelion would’ve turned out if things had gone to plan will never be known, but it’s hard to imagine it being any better...


At it’s heart, Infinite Granite is not a metal record, but an above-average shoegaze/indie rock record.


Perhaps more than any of its predecessors, Colors II seems like the culmination of everything that came before it, fluidly incorporating virtually all of...


Vince Neil is getting the old vocal chords working again with a series of solo shows to ramp up to the big Motley Crue...

Latest News

If you are looking to find music notation to play your instrument better, there is a lot of information out there. It might seem...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Agrypnie, Diskord, Feuerschwanz, Flame, Dear Flame, Serj Tankian, and Two Minutes To Late Night.


Ever since Chester Bennington’s death, a funny thing has been happening with the back catalog of Linkin Park. Much like Kurt Cobain before him,...


Saint or sinner. Ready or not. Lingua Ignota's third album is a tour de force of art as an emotional exorcism.


"Grit and earthiness grounds this album in its spacious atmospheres and crushingly sludgy riffs. King Woman’s kaleidoscopic take on doomgaze and ritualistic folk has...


"Lantlôs may have little resemblance to its original form, but Siegenhort has yet to steer his band in the wrong direction."


"It should be noted that while Mordred’s fourth full-length may not be a stone-cold classic, it is a grower."

New Music

Swedish shred overlord Yngwie Malmsteen will release his new album Parabellum on July 23, and is now streaming the shreddy new single "(Si Vis...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Alustrium, Crobat, Hacktivist, Tom Morello & The Bloody Beatroots, Wanderer, and a collection of artists celebrating Batman.

RIP a Livecast

Tonight, we are excited to have comedian, actor, and man-about-town Dave Hill to talk about his new movie, Drunk Bus. We learn all about...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Terra Odium, Go Ahead And Die, Mammoth WVH, Orphan Donor, Machine Head, Mr. Bungle, Mother of All, and Flying Cupid.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. DARKTHRONE – Hate Cloak Darkthrone's nine-minute opus return (thanks You Tube...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. AT THE GATES – Spectre of Extinction The kings of Swedish...