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RIP a Livecast

RIP a Livecast #624 – Jerry OnlyFans with special guest Dave Hill

livecast dave

Tonight, we are excited to have comedian, actor, and man-about-town Dave Hill to talk about his new movie, Drunk Bus. We learn all about the method acting he did, how he lands roles and his opinions on bidets. After we speak to Dave, we discuss Vince Neil's latest show cancellation, some beyond-the-grave Megadeth beefing and a wild story with C.M. Punk and an unexpected celebrity.

RIP a Livecast #624 – Jerry OnlyFans with special guest Dave Hill

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We are bringing back an old favorite with a twist, the music break – now as a Spotify playlist to listen to whenever you want. Make sure to follow the playlist. This week's tracks are
The Red Chord – Fixation on Plastics
EPMD, Redman, Method Man, Lady Luck – Symphony 2000
DEVO – Freedom of Choice
Nifelheim – Infernal Flame of Destruction

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