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Search results for "Chord"


These albums are just about old enough now to have their first beer.


"It's not often an album in this genre has such an easy replay value, and proves that atmospheric heavy music isn't relegated to double...


"Enterprise Earth fans are going to really enjoy this album and Dan Watson continues to grow as a vocalist in terms of both his...


Adapt or die. Brad Pitt said that in the greatest film in the history of films Moneyball. Don't argue. I will fight you.  That...


"Bands like Shadow Of Intent give us hope for the future. They are completely past the era of petty genre bickering and proudly wear...

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No matter the endeavor, designing a great logo is the first step towards successful branding, and music bands are no exception. The right logo...

Best of 2021

Another year, another year-end list. Though the world is still falling apart, America is once again re-learning the folly of its corrupt, dumbass two-party...

New Music

Trying to decide which is better is impossible.


"This is Obscura standing more unencumbered and iconoclastically as they push the quality of their own work."

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When you first hear someone say that they want to take piano lessons, the next question is, what kind of piano do you want?...


Over the course of two decades Detroit’s The Black Dahlia Murder have become one the most consistent and respected bands of the modern death...


"Adventurousness comes in the form of an expanded exploration of their melodic side, making it at once the band's 'least' death metal but most...


"Hushed and Grim is the most mature, demanding, and emotionally resonant journey of Mastodon's career."


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."


"Here, the creation is one of a mood similar to that of the best cliff hanger that's already had the viewer/reader on the edge...


Originally springing from small-town Minot, North Dakota, brooding, atmospheric black metallers Ghost Bath have always walked the fine line between beauty and brutality. Nowhere...

Back in the Day

With Nevermind, Nirvana vocalist and guitarist Kurt Cobain started a global movement and showed the music industry the true power behind alternative rock. Now...


"One thing is certain. The metal scene may never be the same after this..."