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Search results for "69"

Record Sales

The Metallica machine keeps rolling. Last week, we learned The Black Album returned to the Billboard charts at #200, pushing over 6,000 units that week,...


Canada's Unleash The Archers storm the senses once again with their as-advertised-epic concept album, Abyss. A sister-record to 2017s Apex in both story while...

Shocking Revelations

Who could've seen this coming? The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has been linked to at least seven new coronavirus cases, with local officials saying more...


There are plenty of things to criticize Joe Biden and the Democratic party about – failure to support Medicare for All and marijuana legalization...

Dank Slams

Ever wonder what would happen if you were to throw members of Suffocation, Dehumanized, Without Remorse, and Sworn Enemy into a human-sized masher and...


Titan To Tachyons does to progressive stoner metal what Behold… The Arctopus did to tech-death, pushing their eccentricities to the limit.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include metal in space, blast beats, psych rock, and more! To the metals...

Music Videos

These riffs are absolutely killer.


Holocene Extinction is above and beyond the band’s past material. Not only that, it is an album that has arrived at the perfect time...


Inspiration can manifest in the most interesting ways. Artistry could stem from hours spent immersed in subject matter; it could form spontaneously—as if art...

Extreme of the Extreme

Have you ever sat down to listen to a band you've never listened to before and get slapped by how heavy it is? Well,...


By no means flawless, Alter Ego improves upon Темна Маса in every way, giving listeners a more expansive, developed, and sustained experience.


"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...

RIP a Livecast

We kick off this episode being joined by Darkest Hour's Mike Schleibaum, who discusses his new project Be Well, and the state of the...


Seth Rollins is this edition's special guest and he fits right in. We talk about his earliest memories of pro wrestling and heavy metal,...


I will adamantly attest that Denver’s Primitive Man is the heaviest band on the planet. The sludge-ridden doom trio expertly blankets their compositions in...


The Kingdom of Avatar is a much darker place these days. Amidst a global pandemic and socio-political strife across the globe, Sweden's theatrical-metal juggernauts...

Upcoming Releases

Deftones have been saying maybe, possibly, a new album might be coming in September, and we're pretty sure they figured things out, based on what's...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include the heaviest band on the planet, some live epicness, a SoaD offshoot, and more! To the metals...


It must be hard to keep tabs on all the lies.

Marketing Genius

Kudos to Steve-O, bands can learn a thing or two from you.