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Search results for "69"

Extreme of the Extreme

One of the most anticipated bands in the death metal underground, Spectrum of Delusion, are poised to release their most ambitious album to date...


"I wanted [Terminal Velocity] to reflect my identity and be my opportunity to say, 'Here’s what I’m all about.'"

Celebrity Metalheads

It's inarguable that Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea is one of the greatest bassists of all time. The man understands groove. Earlier this...

New Music

RidingEasy Records is back with the eleventh installment of their Brown Acid series, aptly dubbed The Eleventh Trip. We're streaming the 1970 track "Diamond...

RIP a Livecast

We kick off the show talking about the startling new statistics coming out of the Sturgis Biker Rally, and Rob rants about the media's...

It's Just Business

Metal bands have already had a hard time getting into the country, and this makes things harder.

New Music

Power metal and traditional heavy metal/NWOBHM are two styles of metal that never really got quite as big in North America. Sure, you have...

New Music

France's cinematic metal titans Hypno5e know how to tell a story, going full on Christopher Nolan epic-mindbender in their 2019 album A Distant (Dark) Source....

Metal Merch

Jasta Pasta is just the start of the Hatebreed frontman's new merch line!

Weekly Injection

This week’s new heavy metal releases include chaos, Sabbath covers, an album of the year contender, and more!


In 2016, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich joked that if Trump became President, he would consider moving to Denmark. At the time he said: "I...


Yesterday, Issues posted a statement revealing they are parting ways with frontman Tyler Carter after multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, and grooming arose. Today,...

Record Sales

August wasn't a bad month for rock and metal overall. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the listens grew by 2.49%,...

Upcoming Releases

From their recent livestream of the same name.

Latest News

Woodstock '99 was not the best time.

Metal Crimes

Multiple people have accused Carter of grooming them while they were underage.

Extreme of the Extreme

Releasing this Friday comes the new album from Sweden's Desolator entitled Sermon of Apathy. Seeing as this weekly segment is called Extreme of the...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about Rob's birthday tomorrow and how old he feels. We discuss the new Metal Injection design. We then discuss...

Latest News

The Acacia Strain frontman Vincent Bennett has been relatively quiet on social media in recent weeks, tweeting mostly music he's listening to and retweeting...


There is PLENTY of evidence