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Tour Dates

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New Music

Canadian doom warriors Smoulder are gearing up to release the follow-up to their 2019 debut album on March 13. Titled Dream Quest Ends, the...

Tour Dates

Rammstein is going to blow up a football stadium near you!

Metal Merch

One of the most legendary moments in Ozzy Osbourne's career is reaching it's 38th anniversary today. On January 20, 1982, Ozzy bit the head...


2020 has already thrown us a lot of curveballs, but “Lamb of God Guitarist Records Acoustic EP” was still unexpected. Mark Morton’s first solo...

New Music

Get in on a new Huntsmen album early. It's worth it.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include side projects, ninjas, and more! To the metals...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. SIJJIN – Vorago of Adullam This occult-tinged death trio out...


The documentary is expected to premiere at the South By Southwest festival.

New Music

Or "Ending/Beginning" as it was known in 2000.

Extreme of the Extreme

Happy Wednesday extreme fans, just a friendly reminder all other editions can be found HERE! Based out of Canada, and featuring a recognizable name...

Latest News

Including Carcass, Pallbearer, Ozzy, Code Orange, Paradise Lost, Khemmis, Power Trip, Enslaved, and way more!


Ether Coven harnesses a sound that fuses metalcore, doom, sludge, and progressive elements. Truth be told, the end result is almost exactly what one...