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Record Sales

Welcome to this month's edition of the Spotify Mega List, where we rank metal and hard rock bands by their Spotify listeners. This month...

Injection Reflection

Holy crap, it's the last day of January. Blink and 2020 will be over too. It's been a sad week in the world of...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to DreamsDesign, who had the best zinger: “Mr. Crowley, what went wrong in your head? Oh, Mr....

Live Footage

Amigo The Devil is currently embarking on his first-ever European Tour throughout January/February, before he joins Murder By Death's 20th Anniversary tour in March....

Latest News

"I think the last mixes and masters are printed."

Music Videos

Antagony, now back to their original 1999 lineup of vocalist Nick Vasallo (Oblivion), guitarist Ben Orum (All Shall Perish, Oblivion), vocalist Carlos Saldana (Connoisseur), bassist...


Prepare yourself for the jump to lightspeed.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a solo outing, a fake compilation, a riffs from the desert, and more! To the metals...


Pearl Jam will release their first new album in seven years titled Gigaton on March 27. We already heard their dancy first single, "Dance Of The...


Dolores O’Riordan, vocalist of seminal 90s Irish rock act The Cranberries, passed away suddenly in January of 2018 on the day she was set to...

New Music

Y'all need to be paying attention to Saudade.

Latest News

Obituary, Crowbar, Exhorder, Wolves In The Throne Room, Eyehategod, Pig Destroyer, Repulsion, Immolation, and WAY more.


Kirra has certainly been a band to be paying attention to over the past few years. On the back of their debut Run Away,...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


More so than looking back at albums that came out 10 years ago, creating this list made me feel both old and grateful. As...

Tour Dates

Norma Jean are touring people's houses. No, really. The band have arranged a tour of houses that have successfully pulled off house shows before...

Shocking Revelations

It's been a rough period for Ozzy Osbourne. He revealed earlier this month on Good Morning America that he is currently battling Parkin's II. Parkin's II...

Metal In The Mainstream

Both Manson and John Malkovich are in rare form in this funny, dry clip.

Full Album Stream

The Minnesota trio releases their long-anticipated debut this week. Listen to an exclusive stream of Iterations of Time!