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Search results for "rust"

Dank Slams

Engorged anything is, um, bad news – apart from that tiny, warped, Cheeto-encrusted thing that you are holding in your Vaseline-greased hand at this...

Upcoming Releases

Holy cow, this sounds like it's going to be amazing.

Tour Dates

A while back, Metal Injection sat down to talk to one of the organizers of the great Northwest Terror Fest. Joseph Schafer gave great...

Full Album Stream

It's a crusty, distorted nightmare of an album.

Full Album Stream

"I honestly wished those people could live for just one day with the claustrophobic fear that so many marginalized folks wake up to every...


Have you ever asked yourself, "Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?"

Latest News

The band is looking for a few fans on February 23 and 24.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes cameo-filled power metal, mid-tempo death metal, mid-tempo black metal, and other-things-to-hyphenate. To-the-metals...

Live Footage

They did it awesomely, as usual.

Upcoming Releases

The release of Periphery IV is right around the corner. Trust me when I tell you! On Twitter today, everybody shared the same video: pic.twitter.com/4Cbej3DIZ8 —...

Full Album Stream

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with an EP premiere from Split/Cross entitled Rise of Discontent.

Latest News

"DevilDriver is playing a bunch of Coal Chamber songs and when you hear this shit with double kick and two guitars there’s no going...

Twenty Nine-Scene

The year 2019 is now Twenty Nine-Scene. Join Two Minutes to Late Night co-creator Drew Kaufman as he looks at back at the seminal...

New Music

Get It Out is Altitudes & Attitude's first effort since their 2014 self-titled EP.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of experimenting, some melodic doom, an album you'll be mad at me for highlighting, and more! To the metals...