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Tour Dates

Guns N Roses made A LOT of money touring in the United States the last few years, sometimes grossing as much as $5 million...

Latest News

Want to book a tour for your band? We got Nate Carson of Nanotear Booking to give us all the gory details on how...

Music Videos

Sweden's S.O.R.M is here with a catchy new single and killer new video. Inspired by the aesthetics of the 80s heavy metal scene with...

Song Premiere

Beyond the wide cross over among musicians involved, technical death metal which is my main interest, and progressive metal I also love deeply, share...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include the last new recordings of a great band, some splendid newer acts, bird puns, and more!


Crusty new wave of old school death metal? Yes please!

Shocking Revelations

The story of how Jay Weinberg came to be in Slipknot is quite an interesting one. Of course, fans were completely shocked when Joey...


Bay Area thrashers Death Angel are one of the more underrated staples of the genre. Spending time in a rare air just outside the...


Being previously unfamiliar with this band, I admit that my curiosities were piqued at such a blunt and crass name as Porn. What extreme...


Mastodon's progressive metal masterpiece Crack The Skye is turning 10 years old this year. The band will perform the record in full on their coming tour...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases includes piano-infused death metal, trains, and more!  To the metals…

Shocking Revelations

"Those bands are terrible, they didn’t even know how to play their instruments."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include OG metal peeps, modern metal standouts, MOTHERFUCKIN' WHITESNAKE, and More! To the metals...


Metal Injection’s head babysitter, Rob Pasbani and I both agree that Sweden’s Martyrdöd is a little-known band. His metric has something to do with...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks...

Bummer Alert

Fans hoping to catch Ulver on their upcoming west coast U.S. tour are out of luck, because the band just announced they'd been forced...


Mastodon's progressive metal masterpiece Crack The Skye is turning 10 years old this year.