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Just the name Grime is about all you need to take away to get an idea of whether you'll like their material or not....

Latest News

We have some very sad news to report, Slayer just announced that founding guitarist Jeff Hanneman passed away at 11am this morning in a...

Quick Bits

Greetings once again all you metal nerds. This was a rough week. Rough in a sense that there was almost too much good stuff...

Music Videos

This video depicts the band setting up a video shoot guerrilla-style, and naturually the cops arrive. Does the band get busted? Watch the video...

Latest News

I have never even heard of Coliseum before right now, but now I can't shut their newest single, "Fuzzbang," off.


Every year since it's founding in 2004, Baltimore's A389 Recordings has released a mixtape highlighting upcoming priority releases as well as some of the...

Upcoming Releases

After six years of doing whatever the hell it was they were doing, Queens of the Stone Age have decided that 2013 is the...

Weekly Injection

Holy shit! In stark contrast to last week, the labels seem to be operating under the assumption that you have plenty of capital left...

Tour Dates

Well this is definitely great news. The Death To All tour, which pays tribute to late legendary vocalist and guitarist Chuck Shuldiner is coming back for...

Tour Dates

Wasn't Rocklahoma a hair metal festival at one point? I guess the times change. Today, the promoters of the Memorial Day Oklahoma hoedown announced...


There was so much new music released in the last few days, we wanted to make sure we didn't miss any of it. So,...


Happy 2013 Metal Injection Junkies! 2012 proved to be a huge year for Metal Injection and even some of us personally, but in order...

Latest News

The Zakk Wylde roast went so well, they're doing it again. Revolver and Guitar World will present the Rock and Roll Roast of Dee...


[tps_header]Shopping for metalheads may not be easy, so we here at Metal Injection thought we'd throw in our two cents on suggestions for what...

RIP a Livecast

We spent a lot of time this episode recapping the election and all of the fallout of all the results, including the socialist nation...


NOTE: The following article was originally posted in 2010, but is being reposted in light of the Halloween season. It's October!? Fuck this year...


So few things happen in Fargo, North Dakota that when Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich and his new model gilrfriend, supermodel Jessica Miller come into...

Upcoming Releases

Damn it, Slayer! You tease and tease and tease a new album this year, but it doesn't look like it's happening. We already knew...


Kids these days have it easy. They have access to things we only dreamed of as a child. Seeing as though metal itself is...


George Kollias, the superfast drummer from Nile had a lovely chat with us at Bloodstock festival. Nile have just released their seventh album, At...

Hand Ov Doom

You heard us right Doominions! We've prepared our radio studio to become a den of debauchery for our extremely special Sodomy Episode! We all...

Latest News

As we were leaving the Summer Slaughter (watch our coverage here), somebody casually mentioned to me, "Hey, did you see that Randy Johnson was...

Sick Art

There is no doubt that band tattoos are the ultimate sign of appreciation and loyalty for your favorite artists, it's like a band T-shirt...