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"Is it there yet? No. Is it getting close? Yeah."

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It's easy to get out there and cover one of Twisted Sister's classics like "We're Not Gonna Take It" or "I Wanna Rock." Firebreather...

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Portnoy has previously filled in with the band.

Metal Merch

Get the "Burn In Hell"-look with this new set of cosmetic products.


Fame is a fickle thing. Viral fame can be especially poisonous. For the Villarreal sisters – the trio of vocalist/guitarist Daniela "Dany" Villarreal Vélez,...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Touching on their new albums, Scott and Revel's covers, and much more!


I'm guessing Paul Stanley won't be getting a Christmas card from his sister, Julia Eisen, this holiday season, as she has lashed out at...


Legendary guitarist, businessman, producer, music manger, ex-drug dealer and cancer survivor, Jay Jay French's life and times have been anything but dull. Longtime guitarist...

Shocking Revelations

So, remember a few days ago when Dee Snider made headlines saying he has "no interest" in reuniting Twisted Sister? We here at Metal...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank sits down with Dee Snider to discuss how a single tweet made him return from retirement, how Corpsegrinder of Cannibal Corpse came to...

Bummer Alert

They're still friends, but Dee has moved on

Mustaine Mania

…and other tales of how Dino and Dave are buddies.