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Fruitpochette play their own brand of heavy Japanese girl-pop, and they did it first.


Could Mayhem be ridiculously heavy this year?

Latest News

Motörhead will also be playing because that makes perfect sense.

Tour Dates

Serpens In Cvlmination Western Hemisphere MMXV Tour is a misleading title.

Weekly Injection

This edition features the latest supergroup who didn't realize you needed in your life, amazing tech stuff, amazing progressive stuff, and much more! To...


Like father…like daughter?!

Latest News

This edition features Thunder Pop going heavy on the thunder, a band recapturing the magic with a new singer, that one band people don't...

It's Just Business

More firings! Investors are pulling out! Things are not looking good.


As we jump forward into 2015, and discuss the albums we are looking forward to the most, we wrap up our 2014 Rewind! We...

Gear Gods

Metal Injection looks at some of the new gear at NAMM. For more in-depth coverage and full versions of all the clips you see...

Shocking Revelations

Get a first look at Wylde Audio.


So pretty. So expensive.


Hey! Welcome back to Ranked, where we pick apart classic bands' discographies to the sound of everyone yelling. Today we're hopping across the pond...

Tour Dates

We're about getting ready to head out to the NAMM convention to help our sister site GearGods.net with their non-stop coverage of the event. Anybody...

Injection Reflection

There is no turning back now, 2015. We're here and we're here to stay. Here are this week's most trending stories: Unknown Band Re-Records...


Members of Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, Sick of It All, Agnostic Front and more reflect on the crossover of hardcore and metal in the New...

Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Latest News

If you haven't somehow come to check out Full of Hell in some incarnation right now, albeit their FOH Noise versions or their blasty,...

Latest News

The ultimate buyer's guide for heavy metal fans shopping for Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for a loved one!


In existence since the mid-nineties, Dawnbringer released three gritty, punk-cum-early NWOBHM inspired albums before catching a lot more attention and acclaim with 2010's Nucleus...

Bummer Alert

After the shocking news of Wayne Static passing away this weekend, the metal and rock worlds were shaken. Many chimed in with tributes, and...