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Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Tour Dates

Rockstar Energy Uproar Festival is like Mayhem Fest's more mainstream brother, featuring radio-friendly rock bands that some of you might be excited about. For...

Latest News

Heavy MTL and Heavy TO have become the absolute killer Canadian festival shows of the year. I'm loving all of these megafests popping up...

Show Recap

Click here for over 200 photos from Inferno Festival! This being my first trip ever to Switzerland, coupled with the awesome task of covering...

Latest News

Max Cavlera is out promoting his band, Soulfly's new album Enslaved and in the process, naturally, interviewers are going to be asking about the much-talked...

Black Metal History

Alcest finally played London once more after several years of teasing yearning fans with their absence.  Their appearance in the grimy bowels Camden Town excited...

Latest News

Yet another one bites the dust. The first major metal-related death of this year, coming a few weeks just after the  tragic death of...


While most of us complain about gaining a few extra pounds over a sinful New Year's Eve celebration or a hangover so legendary that...

Best of 2011

When I first began the thought process of this list I feared I wouldn't even be able to think of ten albums I liked....

Latest News

For most people an anniversary acts as a trigger that reminds you another year has gone by in your life. To some people it...


I'm not sure if you guys recall, but a few years back Twisted Sister released a horrible Christmas album called A Twisted Christmas. It...

Tour Dates

Have you guys heard of this Soundwave Festival in Australia happening next February? It's a touring festival, hitting big cities like Sydney, Perth, Melbourne,...


It's Thursday, but it sort of feels like Wednesday, because of the Labor Day holiday, but that doesn't matter because tomorrow is Friday, which...

Quick Bits

Oderus Urungus, the vocal frontman for GWAR, will soon be appearing on FEARnet's first original series Holliston. The show will feature Oderus, who will...

RIP a Livecast

This episode of the Livecast started with a morbid conversation about Amy Winehouse's death. Rob was away at Mayhem Fest and called in to...

In the News

Now, it seems Slayer is always doing something to get themselves in the press – tabloids, magazines, clerical billboards, and banned from Los Angeles...


Hello and welcome to the second edition of Metal Injection's favorite game… Are You Listening With The Wrong Head!? Where we analyze the rise...


Metal used to be a boy’s club… pioneered by sweaty, shirtless dudes in leather pants blasting out the world’s loudest and heaviest incarnation of...

RIP a Livecast

Click Here To Watch The Video This Week's Behind The Scenes – Featuring Shlomo's #1 Swedish Fan, Link On this edition of the Livecast,...

Tour Dates

Click Here To Watch The Video Eyehategod put on one of the best performances I saw in 2010, and I look forward to seeing...


We are pumped to be able to offer you a free MP3 download of a great up and coming band from North Carolina, Vanisher....

Show Recap

Click here for a slew of photos from the festival On August 13, 2010, a vicious storm, of three days duration, descended upon, and...

Video Games

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock is expected to be released September 28th, and with that, lots of details are surfacing. For one, the makers...