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Well, it's been three weeks, and Metallica: Through The Never has only pulled in three million dollars on an 18 million dollar budget. I...

METAL Injection

You wanna know what sucks? Finding out that one of your favorite bands just broke up.


The most shocking news from this story: Filter is still around!


What a terrible week to be in White Wizzard… then again, some of the band's detractors might say that every week is a terrible...


White Wizzard ran into a pretty large spot of bad luck when their singer allegedly got trashed and refused to get up on stage....

It's Just Business

Whole Amazon.com might be selling a metric ton of vinyl per year (and increasing), the music industry is still sporting a huge frown. Apparently...


While it is true that we interviewed Devin Townsend not too long ago, the man is always active and always has a lot of interesting...

Breakups & Shakeups

Crowbar are having some pretty terrible luck lately, what with their drummer going under the knife for cancer and losing their bassist… and it...

Around the Interwebs

It's no secret that Thor is one of the most metal comic book superheroes, given the fact that he wields a very Viking-like hammer...


Lamb Of God are scheduled to play Malaysia's Rock4Way festival on September 28, a rare show for a metal band in the area, and...


If you don't follow Randy Blythe on Instagram, you're missing out on some great stories and great photographs. Every now and then, Randy will...


Front to back, the Summer Slaughter tour was the most exciting package of the summer for me. One thing that was noticeable at the...

Mustaine Mania

No, he hasn't really toned down his headline-seeking personality so much. But Dave Mustaine has made a very wise decision recently with respect to...


Former Korn drummer David Silveria thinks the new Korn tune, "Never Never," lacks any groove and publicly blames new drummer Ray Luzier for the...


We haven't called out All That Remains frontman Phil Labonte on anything dumb that he's said in quite a while. We've been too busy...


Yeah, because the their new single is called "Firebees" and it hurts my ears in a way I can't explain. Now you know!


The last time I wrote about Attila, not including tour announcements, I was talking about their really deep lyrics (not rly) and it looks...

Latest News

Last week, we revealed some pretty sad bits from the just-released issue of Guitar World featuring a big feature on the life and death of...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...

Latest News

Miss May I are currently trekking through North America supporting Killswitch Engage on their epic tour. As their bus was driving through Texas, the...


Just to add to the already huge hype of Extol announcing their self-titled and posting a sweet single, you can now hear five minutes of...


Capture the Crown released this new song called "Rebearth." Why is there a reference to a bear in the title, you ask? Mainly because...


Orchid are bringing the doom rock in a big way with The Mouths of Madness, and under no circumstances should you be missing out...