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Search results for "hurt"


I don't really follow the lives of Hollywood Undead, the west coast rap/rock hybrid but apparently their vocalist Aron "Deuce" Erlichman dropped a deuce...


There’s no doubting Six Feet Under’s significance to the death metal world. With an extensive contribution and library to the death metal canon, how...

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Animals As Leaders strike me as one of the least violent metal bands out there. Which is why I was so shocked to hear...

Injection Reflection

We're about to start a three day weekend… which means we're taking Monday off. But that DOESN'T mean that we're taking Sunday off. There...

Latest News

This is a sad day for me. My favorite tweeter ever, Randy Blythe has decided that when it comes to Twitter, he's over it....

Breakups & Shakeups

Well, this is a bummer for Black Sabbath fans. After the excitement of the Black Sabbath reunion announcement, Bill Ward balked in hopes of...


Anyone who was on MySpace around the year 2005 was probably introduced to Job For A Cowboy at one point and time. I’ll never...


When you really think about it, Sweden’s Meshuggah is extreme metal’s answer to Tool. Both bands have some of the most supportive and staunch...

Bummer Alert

Well this sucks. Last week, Max Cavelera's wife noticed the Soulfly frontman's face "looked weird." Upon looking into a mirror, Max realized he couldn't...

Latest News

Last week, Dave Mustaine said he would vote for Rick Santorum and in turn got a ton of publicity for it, only to retract...


I was very impressed with the first track Meshuggah released a week ago, and if you're an avid reader of the site, you pretty much...

Upcoming Releases

Another day, another tease of new MESHUGGAH. Today we find in our inboxes the cover art for their highly anticipated new album, Koloss. I...

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When you usher an innate passion for riffs with the demons invoked by years of heavy boozing and tripped out touring, self-destruction can become...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...


Last week, we pointed out the idiotic homophobia of All That Remains frontman Phil LaBonte with his pointless slurs at the frontman of Black Veil...

Latest News

We just got an email from GWAR's publicist, with a new official word from GWAR frontman, Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus to bohabs) regarding yesterday's...


Yesterday, we called out All That Remains frontman Phil Labonte for calling the singer of Black Veil Bridesa "faggot". We weren't the only ones to do...

Upcoming Releases

Down guitarists Kirk Windstein (Crowbar, Kingdom of Sorrow) and Pepper Keenan (Corrosion of Conformity) spoke to Guitar World shortly before their last two Texas...


Losing a treasured band member in some tragic circumstance or another is becoming just all too frequent. Just ask British new-wave thrashers Evile, who...


With all due respect to New Orleans, the center of the sludge universe has in recent years shifted to Savannah, Georgia, that sleepy burg...


A few months ago, things were looking up, when Dimebag's self-professed "hag" Rita Haney mentioned that her and Phil have pretty much buried the...

Bummer Alert

All eyes were on the east coast this past weekend as Hurricane Irene tore up city after city leaving many without power, and in...


Flourishing don't play by anyone's rules.  This is often a hallmark of interesting music that isn't ultimately engaging or enduring.  The Sum of All...