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A Redditor from Sweden uploaded the above photo of the kick-off stop of Meshuggah's 25th anniversary tour (North American dates here). Now, of course,...

Fuck Yes!

She is much tougher than I am.


Is there drama between Jonathan Davis and Revolver Magazine?


I'm prepared for the comments section.

Weekly Injection

This week's WEEKLY INJECTION is a little light but has some heavy hitters including awesome doom, epicness, Hevy Devy with a bit of twang,...

Tim Lambesis Trial

A Must-Read to anybody who's been following the case.


There are those who say that lumping bands into genres and sub-categories is a pointless exercise. Nevertheless, us journalists, in our efforts to proclaim...


"Is death metal something that could hurt your kids?" That's the thesis of this early 90s news report on death metal.

Bummer Alert

RIP Peyton the shredder


Death metal has morphed and grown a lot over the past thirty or so years, with plenty of bands trying to push the envelope...

Latest News

Earlier today, Lambgoat got a hold of the lyrics to the controverstial opening track to the new Emmure album. The track was initially called...


I'll just come out and say it: The Oath is a nearly picture-perfect, no nonsense heavy metal album. On their debut album, The Oath...


Read on as Rob recalls the best and worst parts of his SXSW trip.

Shocking Revelations

Joanna Majic, a former escort and a former longtime lover of Ian Watkins charged with SEVEN counts of possession.


There are plenty of politically charged heavy metal bands, but few of them are as ambitious as Avram. Avram is less a band than a...

Shocking Revelations

The last time we wrote about Christian metal act For Today, I discovered a blog post on frontman Mattie Montgomery's personal blog, which has...

Latest News

Our  friend Grim Kim over at MetalSucks did an interview with Syrian Metal Is War documentarian Monzer Darwish and it's ridiculously interesting to say...


We review the powerful new Lamb of God documentary.

Bummer Alert

Lemmy isn't ready...yet!


I've never actually looked forward to the time around Valentine's Day, until 2014. If I'm giving anyone a heart-shaped box this year, that thing...