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Every label is making lyric videos these days. It makes sense from a financial standpoint. Lyric videos give the fans something to look at...

Bummer Alert

This is not my favorite news to report. Another great musician lost to the world of "real life jobs." Months after drummer Mike Smith...

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Goddamn, these tour buses are ridiculous. The tour bus shared by Shadows Fall and God Forbid caught fire yesterday while the two are currently...

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I love Instagram, it's my favorite social network. Besides forgoing the clutter of pointless status updates, and just focusing on photos, it's the only...

It's Just Business

There are many ways to go about curbing illegal downloading. You could sue your fans, but that doesn't work. Your lobbyist group can pressure...

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This is rather scary! Earlier today, shortly after leaving their gig at Southampton, England in the early hours, the bus carrying all the members...

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A few months ago, we were shocked by the news of Baroness's bus crashing, falling off a 30 foot cliff. It did not look...

Upcoming Releases

In five days it'll be October, which in my mind signifies the beginning of Fall. And do you know what that means? Pumpkin beer,...

Show Recap

Click here for our massive photo gallery from this tour It’s been a hell of a rewarding Spring/Summer for me as far as kick-ass...

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GWAR front-thing Oderus Urungus hinted before that he would reveal who the new member of GWAR would be after the band's GWAR-B-Q. Well, the...


In the interest of fairness, since we did say that Phil Labonte gay married the NRA and had an abortion, after his most recent...

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Last week, Baroness encountered every band's worst nightmare, as their bus fell over 30 feet in a horrific accident in England. They checked in...


This past Monday, August 13, 2012, I was invited to attend a very exclusive acoustic set by Trivium frontman Matt Heafy, in association with...

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Damn, Randy Blythe seems to be on a promotional interview tour as of late. After getting out of a Czech prison, Blythe gave some...

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That didn't take long at all. Moments before boarding his flight back to the United States after being released from a Czech prison, Lamb...

Around the Interwebs

Kevin Beaudette, I hope your friends never let you live this down. Last Tuesday, the 22 year old injured himself trying to sneak in...

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This is out of control. As I write this, today's Summer Slaughter show in Tampa, FL is being delayed due to a supposed shooting...

Upcoming Releases

Solid releases all around this week, so let's get right into it: we'll take a look at highly anticipated albums from Baroness and The...


It's come down to this, a back and forth on what really happened, last Friday, July 6th at Webster Hall when founding Cro-Mags bassist...

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You might have missed this over the weekend, but at a Cro-Mags show this past Friday at Webster Hall, founding (and former) Cro-Mags bassist...

Open Metacast

Your future-self sent you a mixtape. Open Metalcast Club Metal #11 features the best in Creative Commons cybermetal, industrial, darkwave, and more. Shownotes and...

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Now that it's been a few hours since the news has gotten out about Randy Blythe being arrested in Prague, Czech Republic yesterday, musicians...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch...