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It's time for the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks over at Gimme Metal! HIGH COMMAND – Immortal Savagery Hooky thrash with some black...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Ă…rabrot, Blame Kandinsky, Checkp01nt, Obvurt, and White Lung.

Underground Roundup

Featuring 200 Stab Wounds, Brand Of Sacrifice, Ready For Death, See You Next Tuesday, and more!

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Black Lava, Circles, Euphrosyne, High Command, Melted Bodies, Thy Catafalque, and Protest the Hero's Rody Walker.


"High Command haven’t so much chiseled their name as they have blasted through the monument to thrash metal greats completely."

Upcoming Releases

"Thee fucking coolest new CKY album," they said.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from -(16)-, Astrosaur, The Smashing Pumpkins, Tallah, and Wolves At The Gate.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from He Is Legend, Epica, Drudkh, L.S. Dunes, Puscifer, and Warkings.

Bummer Alert

Why do people do this to touring bands.