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Weekly Injection

Plus releases from The Abbey, Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, Hellripper, and Siege Of Power.


"Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags bursts with growth and a mature exploration of different avenues of darkness and eeriness while maintaining that original high...

Upcoming Releases

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Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Distant, Flub, Fredlös, Pierce The Veil, and Venamoris.

New Music

Power Trip was originally scheduled to open their European tour.

In The Studio

"The rock world is in for something weird, special, great and LOUD."

Latest News

It looks like you think it does.

In The Studio

Listen to a snippet of "War Ensemble" getting the sludge treatment.

Tour Dates

Wormwitch also has some North American dates afterward.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from All Out War, Memoriam, Russkaja, and The Winery Dogs

Latest News

You can start asking about a new record soon.

Metal Merch

Another awesome addition to the Pop! Rocks series.

In The Studio

The band made the announcement this week on Instagram


And fans might know who it is.

Latest News

This dude in New Mexico really loves metal, and it shows.

Breakups & Shakeups

Due to some poor financial choices as a teenager.