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People are super adamant that Inquisition are Nazis.


There were a lot of laughs between myself and this episode's guest, Jordan, aka Gwarsenio Hall from Two Minutes to Late Night. Jordan talks...


"So, in short, ESP is pleased to announce we won't be on the new Linkin Park album."

Dank Slams

Well, this is interesting. A programme of brutal-as-hell slam that shares its name with a video game that one of us over here at...


These Massachusetts thrashers are back at it again! Lich King's The Omniclasm makes for a relentless and fun ride.

Shocking Revelations

But he has nothing but flattering things to say about her.

Celebrity Metalheads

You thought Forest Whitaker being at a Bring Me The Horizon show was random? How about New Kid on the Block, actor, restaurant proprietor,...

Ice-T famously coined the phrase "eat a bowl of dicks," so we thought we would do a little word association and throw some names...


A few months ago, Metallica declared they are not a political band. Drummer Lars Ulrich said he realizes the band's fans stand on either side of the...

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Ex-Nachtmystium drummer Jean-Michael Graffio is back, and Nathan "Phenex" Williams of Wormreich is part of the band now too.

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

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The ongoing saga of what the hell Black Sabbath is doing.

Thrash Attack

Disgusting, gritty, thrashy, and delightful... all with Chicago's Oozing Wound

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For real this time. No more surprise records.

Scene Report

The following Scene Report was written by guest contributor Michelle O'Rance of the Australian radio show, The Doc and The Metal Maiden. Scene Report...

Song Premiere

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a song premiere from Terminal Nation. This week’s Grind is pushing the hardcore/punk/powerviolence...


This is a very special edition of our metal-meets-wrestling podcast, Squared Circle Pit, where I welcome my RIP a Livecast co-hosts 3D and Noa...


Seriously, check out this theme song.


Including which bands he wants to perform live with, which songs off every Cattle Decap album he'd like to play, and which countries he'd...