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Chilean President Visits Swedish Prime Minister, Is Gifted Metal Vinyl

Hammerfall, Evergrey, Meshuggah, and more!


Chilean president Gabriel Boric recently visted Swedish prime minister Ulf Kristersson and was gifted a whole buncha heavy metal! And it's not just some lighter stuff either – Kristersson gave Boric some Evergrey, Meshuggah, In Flames, Enforcer, and more. As if everyone didn't already think Sweden is the most metal country.

"Visit by the President of Chile Gabriel Boric," said Kristersson in his post. "We talked about our both countries' strong support for Ukraine and the green transition, among other things. And because Boric happens to be a big fan of Swedish rock, I surprised by handing over a collection of vinyl records that we put together with the help of some of Sweden's top rock and metal bands. Swipe to see the reaction.

"Swedish music export is a Swedish pride."

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