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Search results for "Thought"


A small excerpt from a long chat with Devin Townsend.


Find out who you're missing out on featuring Demonic Resurrection, Skyharbor, Undying Inc, Zygnema, Systemhouse33, Inner Sanctum, Albatross, Kryptos, Goddess Gagged, Noiseware, Eccentric Pendulum,...

Latest News

"You ever eaten Lucky Charms before? Imagine if all the marshmallows were different types of animal shit."

Funeral Doom Friday

It’s the weekend! What better way to get it started than with the latest installment of “Funeral Doom Friday”. This weekly column looks to...


It's been a weird few days for a portion of Slayer fans. A few days ago, Tom Araya posted a controversial image which was...

Weekly Injection

This edition contains Canadian thrash perfection, desert rock royalty, and more! To the metals…

The Wednesday Sludge

New Zealand gives us much more than dragons and hobbits this time around. If you haven't yet, prepare yourself for the wild and riff...

Bummer Alert

Yob frontman Mike Scheidt has been dealing with diverticulitis, which is an inflammation of the digestive tract, and things are so bad that the...


It's been two years since a real release from these legends in the making, and we are proud to present Heavy Temple's latest: Chassit.


But he didn't mean it, he was just doing it to piss some of you off!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes plenty of weirdness, technicality, and more! To the metals…

Latest News

"Let's help shine a light on this crap, let's be weird, let's be different, but always be yourself."


He's from Winnipeg, you idiot! We have KEN Mode frontman Jesse Matthewson on the Squared Circle Pit this week. We spend a lot of...

Bummer Alert

Grim Reaper are one of the cornerstones of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement in the early 80s. Now, frontman Steve Grimmett is...

Full Album Stream

The Pennsylvania techdeath freaks are back and better than ever on their new EP, Let There Be Light!


There are many underground labels doing incredible work. Here are five (well, technically six) labels that stand out!

Breakups & Shakeups

So much for that Skid Row reunion with Sebastian Bach. Skid Row confirmed that Zippy Theart, most famous for fronting Dragonforce, will be the...

Breakups & Shakeups

CJ said from the stage "Now I'm back to take over the world."

The Obituarist

Hello and welcome back to The Obituarist… it’s a new year, ladies and gentleman and this marks my 20th (!) edition. My resolution this...

Upcoming Releases

Yes you did! And KILLED IT!! https://t.co/SsnNcBzQ3O — ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) January 12, 2017 Man, the new Body Count record is shaping up to...

Latest News

In a few days Barack Obama is going to be out of a job. The 44th president has taken a liking to making playlists...

Song Premiere

The UK-based project unleashes a complex, celestial arrangement of blackened noise and unique instrumentation.