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Search results for "BREATH"


'Valesa - Chapter 1: Velvet Prison takes Major Parkinson to exciting and courageous new places without abandoning what makes them so singular and admirable.'


Including a Venom cover and a song that didn't make Snakes For The Divine.


"As a multidimensional creative entity, Free LSD presents a rare moment when heavy music takes another leap off the ledge of creativity and lands...

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Featuring Jerry Cantrell, Kiss, Alice Cooper, Tetrarch, Rob Zombie, and more!

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Including sending guitarist Mick Thomson to the dentist.


"This EP, however, left me wanting to not only hear a lot more of her work but to learn more about her as an...


"There's a reason why Heilung has taken North America by storm."

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Support comes from Catch Your Breath and Tallah.


Take a dive into the midnight sea.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks.


Featuring Shining, Darkthrone, Sodom, Psychonaut 4, and more!


"Transmissions from Mothership Earth is a simply brilliant album, a delightful time capsule buried deep where the modern world and its worries can't touch...