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Search results for "Old"


You can just put away those ideas of what four-letter word F.K.U. might sound like, because it’s “Freddy Kruegers Underwear”. Much like many of...


I was completely unfamiliar with KILL YOUR IDOLS when I put this CD on. All I knew was it was a compilation, or a...


Looking through all the material I’ve gotten from Razorback Records, I’m just wondering how this label is able to get bands so focused on...


Get into your time machine and get her up to 88 mph, because we’re going back to the old school! Are you not familiar...


> Swedish black/death band featuring ex-CRADLE OF FILTH drummer Adrian Erlandson, NETHERBIRD, has made their entire EP, “Lighthouse Eternal (Laterna Magika)” available for free...


I had no idea what to expect from this album when I first saw it. I looked at the front cover and saw a...


>YeboTV has launched SlayerTV, a TV channel with nothing but SLAYER live footage and interviews being streamed all day long. View the new channel...

Latest News

> CHIMAIRA have made the decision to drop their upcoming Eastpak Antidote tour to focus on writing. The band have posted a statement detailing...


Grindcore isn’t even my favorite genre, but for some reason, bands seem to have an easier time making good grind records than many other...


> EXTOL has announced that the band will go on hiatus, not knowing if or when the band will appear again. Until then, they...


I just got a package in from Razorback Records, and I have to say, they go all out on the art which is mixed...

Tour Dates

The festival organizers for the annual Maryland Deathfest have posted the following update regarding next year’s show, which will take place from May 23rd...


MAROON have posted video footage from the studio detailing the making of their upcoming album at YouTube. The bands upcoming album, “The Cold Heart...


Every time I kept on playing this, I thought it sounded like a soundtrack to something, but I couldn’t think of what. Then it...


> DOWN THE DRAIN have set September 18th as the release date for “Dying Inside“, through Arctic Music Group. You can hear some audio...


The most famous Nintendo-core band of all (and yes, I found a slew of underground bands playing Nintendo-core back when mp3.com was still cool)...

Latest News

Yeah. It definitely is not pretty. Gibson Guitars have been running the Guitar of the Week program for almost a year now. Today, they...

Latest News

RAUNCHY have completed nine songs with the current titles of  “Straight to Hell”, “Recovery”, “Heavy Burden”, “To the Lighthouse”, “Destroyer”, “Somewhere Along the Road”,...


I actually saw an add for this album, and one of the tag lines was “For fans of shaking their head and saying: What...


Polish black/death band DARZAMAT have set August 28th through Metal Mind Productions as the North American release date for their first DVD, “Live Profanity...

Tour Dates

DESPISED ICON, SUICIDE SILENCE, SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY, and WINDS OF PLAGUE have lined up the following U.S. tour for September: September 2 –...


> TRAP THEM had the mixing of their upcoming album, “Seance Prime” finished on Sunday by Kurt Ballou at Godcity Studios. The band are...


People who have become familiar with my reviews have probably noticed that I pretty much destroy derivative albums. I mean, why buy a cheap...