Hi, what are you looking for?
Remixed by Steven Wilson and featuring a 50-piece orchestra.
Based on a short story by Insomnium bassist and vocalist Niilo Sevänen.
Which is only sort of the problem. Let's break up Ticketmaster?
Plus releases from Black Anvil, Contracult, Ingested, The Offering, The Pretty Reckless, and Voivod.
"I'm proud to say it's our best album to date and also the best sounding one."
Agents Of Misfortune, as they were.
"How am I not able to come out for fear of losing my career and my band, but these guys are going out there...
Lars might wanna tell Metallica.
Now we wish there was a Davis and Lombardo collaboration.
Are we sensing a little country in there?
He is no longer living in a Barbie world.
Here's another winner from YouTuber Denis Pauna.
The music video just plain hurts.
Plus KEN Mode, Brutus, Burst, and more!
Enter the abyss at your own risk.
The duo is set to rock out overseas in the sunshine.