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Stage 3 esophageal cancer to be specific.

Around the Interwebs

Meanwhile, I'm still debating putting on pants.

Upcoming Releases

Deftones have been saying maybe, possibly, a new album might be coming in September, and we're pretty sure they figured things out, based on what's...

Marketing Genius

Kudos to Steve-O, bands can learn a thing or two from you.

Upcoming Releases

You're about to feel like a bad musician.

Latest News

Many promoters are trying to figure out ways to start shows safely again. Everything from hazmat suits to empty seats to disinfectant mist stations has been suggested. There have...


Trapt is not having a good 2020. After selling only 600 copies of their new album first week, and dodging payments to his music...

Metal Merch

Oops! The face coverings do look really sweet though.

Back in the Day

"Tom Araya won't say if he's a satanist. His mother prays for him every night." –Pastor Bob Larson who toured with Slayer in 1989 Before...


Brisbane newcomers feed dissonant death grind lore.


Although I know my primary function at Metal Injection is handling our weekly Tech-Death Tuesday column, I do have other interests when it comes...


Dee Snider, your most trusted source of AC/DC gossip.

Shocking Revelations

Earlier this month, Great White played a show in North Dakota and footage from the event showed that very little social distancing was taking...

Latest News

What was initially supposed to be a drive-in charity event, turned into a rich person rave. Bloomberg reports The Chainsmokers headlined a $25,000 a car...

Upcoming Releases

The mystery of new Marilyn Manson continues.

This Is Just A Tribute

Sadly, original Fleetwood Mac guitarist/vocalist Peter Green passed away earlier this week at 73 years old. For metalheads, he was responsible for "The Green...


Ihsahn, no what are you doing?! You are starting a flame war with one of the fiercest online army of trolls out there, Swifties...


This week marked the tragic three year anniversary of the passing of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. The death sent shockwaves throughout the music...


Good guy Dave Grohl – is there anything he can't do. He's taken on the Westboro Baptist Church, gets in mosh pits for Metallica, breaks his...

New Music

Jared Dines released an EP of all new music this weekend called Shred Feast. The album features guest spots from Trivium frontman Matt Heafy,...