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Best of 2020

There isn't much to say about this year that hasn't been said already. I feel thankful to remain healthy, employed, and surrounded by family...

Best of 2020

It has been a trying year for all of us. I certainly have been at a loss for how to move forward many times...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off by discussing the recent drama with Five Finger Death Punch's Ivan Moody and his former bandmates. We do another Cameo...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off by discussing the recently announced Grammy nominations for Best Metal Performance. We also go through Megadeth's bad luck streak with...

Shocking Revelations

Wolfgang Van Halen has been publicly coping with the understandably difficult burden of losing his father, guitar legend Eddie Van Halen. Wolfgang revealed getting...

RIP a Livecast

We kick this episode off diving deep into the recent controversial video where Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter reveals he's a flat earther and anti-vax....


Late last week, Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter made waves on the internet after being a guest on a conspiracy podcast and revealing, among other...

New Music

The faces might not look familiar but you may have heard of some of their dads.

Latest News

Lars says the band is now closer than ever.

Full Album Stream

Listen to an exclusive stream of the Denver death metal trio's newest album ahead of its release date and read an in-depth interview with...


Marilyn Manson has released a statement, speaking publicly for the first time about allegations that actress made against a former boyfriend, believed to be...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off by talking about Emmure's failed Patreon page. We review the two new songs from System of a Down, and play...


In April, video footage surfaced of Westworld star Evan Rachel Wood testifying in front of California state senators last year to create the Phoenix Act has...

Latest News

It's insane to think that November 13th will mark five years since the inconceivable terror attacks at the Bataclan venue in Paris, France, during...


System of A Down made waves on Friday by releasing their first new music in fifteen years, to support the Armenia Fund, and raise awareness...

New Music

The band came together for the first time in 15 years, to raise awareness for what's going on in Artsakh.

Shocking Revelations

Imagine coming up with GWAR? Now imagine having to explain to your parents what is taking up most of your time? In a new...

Music Videos

There is no other way to describe this band other than "Tolkien Metal." This is metal fit for dwarves, elves and invading Mordor. They...

RIP a Livecast

On this election night edition, we are joined by the queen of shred herself, Mrs. Smith for the episode. Mrs. Smith updates us on...