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Search results for "Dying"


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."

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Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter outed himself as a flat earther last year, to the shock of some of his fanbase. Carpenter, who has been studying conspiracy...


Have you ever wondered why your favorite metal songs are so genius?! This may be because they are the mad creations of a professor,...

Metal Science

"This is old technology. They've been working on this for 15 fucking years."

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Faulkner suffered an aortic aneurysm on stage at Louder Than Life.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Blanket, Creeping Death, Gus G, and Untamed Land.

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He suffered an aortic aneurysm on stage at Louder Than Life.

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"From what I've been told by my surgeon, people with this don't usually make it to the hospital alive."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from KK's Priest, Full Of Hell, Frontierer, Four Stroke Baron, Dying Wish, Bummer, and Asking Alexandria

New Music

Don your best battle vest and prepare for the flashbang of 80s resurgence that is Lavaborne. The Indianapolis based "power doom" outfit have bore...

Back in the Day

“What’s my drug of choice?” We are “Junkheads” for Stone Temple Pilots’ Core and Alice in Chains’ Dirt. These masterpieces were both released on September 29th, 1992. Core and Dirt...


Alex is currently a PhD student at UC Davis studying Forensic Entomology.


Didn’t think prog-rock godfathers King Crimson could get heavy? Think again...


Vessel and company cast out a wide new on their sophomore album. This Place Will Become Your Tomb doesn’t have the same post-rock sheen...


There is more to the German music scene than Rammstein, Accept, Oomph!, Lindemann, Doro, Scorpions, and Megaherz. Metal fans will remember Kreator and Sodom...


"Employed to Serve sounds like they’re playing the music they’ve always wanted to write, and it’s hard not to love them for it."

Record Sales

August wasn't the worst month ever, and was certainly better than July. This list, which continues to grow each month, saw an average increase...