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Search results for "Dying"

Music Videos

From their new live album Live On The Internet.


Featuring Primordial, Malthusian, Altar Of Plagues, and way more!

Tour Dates

The Still Sucks tour is on.


In just a few days, The Red Chord's Fused Together in Revolving Doors turns 20 years old. It was released by Robotic Empire Records...


Featuring everything from modern albums to extremely deep cuts.


No other country delivers "Pure Black Energy" as masterfully as Norway.

Underground Roundup

Featuring Oceans Of Slumber, Absent In Body, Sunrot, Extinction A.D. & more!

Latest News

Woof. Maybe now isn't the time to make those comments.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Corey Taylor, Scorpions, Guns N Roses, Fall of Stasis, Eight Bells, Blood Incantation, Abraham, and D'Virgilio, Morse & Jennings.

Live Footage

An extremely solid performance, and visually stunning.

Music Videos

Immolation only has one type of riff – beefy.


Unless you're into it.

Full Album Stream

"Take Life write some incredible music that walks a line of incredibly aggressive, emotional, and interesting."


Plus a reassessment on Violence Unimagined and his insights into pandemic downtime.