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Search results for "Dying"


Remember when we thought the world was going to end in 2012? Turns out they were about a decade off, which is nice because...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Steve Vai, Big Big Train, Dissolution Wave, Burned In Effigy, and The Last Ten Seconds of Life.


Time flies when you're listening to great music, and it's been 30 years for these excellent records! So get ready to feel at least...


Another year, another batch of great metal albums. While there are sure to be many more excellent releases announced throughout the rest of the...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Blind Equation’s LIFE IS PAIN. Welcome back and welcome to 2022. Or if...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Aethereus, Deadscape, Ecryptus, Enterprise Earth, Lee McKinney, Party Cannon, Shadow Of Intent, and Underoath

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Seven Nines and Tens, Power Paladin, Nocturnal Graves, Carnation, and At The Movies

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They also claim he's spent tons of time profiting off the photo.


Abbath Doom Occulta is Immortal. Demonaz Doom Occulta is Immortal. Norwegian black metal is Immortal. Abbath and Demonaz, whose real names are Olve Eikemo and Harald Nævdal respectively, co-founded Immortal in the autumn of 1990. Immortal would become...

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No matter the endeavor, designing a great logo is the first step towards successful branding, and music bands are no exception. The right logo...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank sits down with Jami Morgan of Code Orange to discuss the band’s success over the years, the dynamic between band members, the secret...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dessiderium, Malignant Altar, Pyrexia, Reveal, There's A Light, and We Are The Catalyst.

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Content warning: The following post contains accusations of rape, sexual assault, suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, emotional abuse. Kristin Hayter, known as Lingua Ignota, has...

New Music

And three remixes by Periphery and Fire From The Gods members.