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Earlier this month, Evergreen State black metal masters Wolves In The Throne Room announced they'd be releasing new music in 2014. Aside from naming...

Upcoming Releases

Olympia, WA's favorite sons just announced they'll have brand new music for fans in the new year.

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Devin Townsend said he began work on the followup to Ziltoid the Omniscient June of 2013, which means after a little under a year...

Around the Interwebs

I tried to sum up "God mode" for those unaware, but Wikipedia put it best by saying it's "a game mechanic or cheat that...

Best of 2013

As 2013 wanes into the cold beginnings of 2014, it's time to look back on the records that shaped the past year in extreme...


Have you checked out our new sister-site Gear Gods. It's the only website for musicians in the heavy music community, and this week was...

Music Videos

Maria Brink brings out all her fancy masks and a "whore" dunce cap for this one, with a special appearance from Chris of Motionless...

Open Metacast

Welcome to the third Halloween Episode of Open Metalcast, where we unleash the strange, the wicked, and the bizarre to thrill, excite, and scare...


If you're a bassist, you have to be all about Suicidal Tendencies and their off-shoot, Infectious Grooves. Don't even try to argue it. The...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...

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It can't be easy for aging metalheads and punks to rear babies. Instead of staying up late getting drunk at loud shows, you're staying...


Touché Amoré are streaming the song "Harbor" via music video off their upcoming record Is Survived By due out September 24. It's a pretty catchy jam, just...


I released a press release late last night to promote the new In This Moment single "Whore" with the included photo attachment described as...


On their debut album, The Fall of Omnius, France's Nephren-Ka seek to merge technical virtuosity with sheer brutality. This isn't anything new to death...

Upcoming Releases

Gorgoroth hit some line-up changes in 2012 and remained on tour/generally quiet throughout most of 2013… except for now, when they've announced they're doing...

Tim Lambesis Trial

Yesterday morning, the murder-for-hire case of As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis kicked off in a San Diego with a preliminary hearing to decide if...


Mikee Goodman, former vocalist of SiKth, debuted his new project Outpatients to pretty confused reception. What the hell am I watching and where's the...


Back in the 1980's Satan was everywhere in the United States. A confederacy of dunces consisting of law enforcement agencies, the media and pearl...


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...

Breakups & Shakeups

God Forbid breaking up was a pretty big deal, especially since nobody really saw it coming. Now we've got guitarist Doc Coyle and bassist...


There should probably be a new "Godwin's Law" for any conversation about Norma Jean. Eventually, one of two things will be brought up. In...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...

Latest News

A few weeks back we worried that Nachtmystium were dunzo, but frontman Blake Judd reassured us that wasn't the case and that the band...