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Search results for "Dun"


If you don’t know, on August 20, 1890, Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born in the quintessential Yankee city of Providence, Rhode Island. A reclusive...


Fortunately for retro-rock aficionados, the guys in Kadavar not only have a firm grasp on the sounds of the 70s, but the song writing...

Weekly Injection

This week is ridiculous. This edition includes new Iron Maiden, some other stuff that's pretty amazing, but mostly new Iron Maiden. To the metals...

Tour Dates

This is it folks, the beginning of the end of Black Sabbath (for now)!


With 2015 being the 30-year anniversary of essential classics from Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Bathory, Celtic Frost and other bands, we've decided to take a...


As much Liszt as Limbonic Art, Lychgate combine the avant-garde leanings of unconventional time signatures, classical music, but build each level onto a harsh...

Upcoming Releases

One of our favorite prog-metal acts, Los Angeles' Intronaut have announced their fifth full-length album, titled The Direction Of Last Things coming November 13th on...


I make no excuses for this one. Call me otaku if you must, but let’s not pretend that Japanese graphic novels, better known as...


We've recently documented the string of robberies happening to bands in St. Louis and wrote a PSA advising bands to either never leave your...

At The Movies

If you missed I Am Thor earlier this year, then you’re probably like the rest of the world. The documentary, which debuted at San...


For all the dark, heavy, and destructive bands in the metal world, it's difficult to sometimes branch out and spend some quality time with...


In the early 80s in Florida, Kevin Sullivan was inspired by bands like Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica to create a villainous Satanic character.


Inspired by the recent episode of On The Record focusing on album art, contributor J. Andrew Zalucky decided to explore the artwork of death...


Tau Cross began life last year following Miller's second and ostensibly final disbandment of Amebix, a band whose initial lifespan between 1978 and 1987...

Open Metacast

This week I'll be seeing Rush in concert for their 40th anniversary tour. One of the reasons Rush is one of my favorite bands...


A mere weeks after releasing their first single, "Still Echoes," the band have unveiled another new track. The mid-tempo Lamb of God tune, "512" is...


A few months ago Metal Injection posted the trailer for an upcoming horror movie called Deathgasm. Deathgasm is the directorial debut from New Zealand filmmaker Jason...

Weekly Injection

Pretty solid week this week. New releases from a couple reunited bands, some grimness, some grimy, some prog, and more! To the metals…


On the anniversary of Ronnie James Dio's death, celebrate the man's extensive catalog!