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Vocalist MIKEE GOODMAN (Ex-SIKTH) Has A Really Weird New Band

Mikee Goodman, former vocalist of SiKth, debuted his new project Outpatients to pretty confused reception. What the hell am I watching and where's the real Mikee Goodman?


Go ahead and hit play and listen while you're reading this; it might make a little more sense to you. Even from the get go of the song "Throw Rocks," which is what you're hearing, I was left wondering exactly what the living hell was going on. It's just so typically… japanese-styled metal (at times. Big Maximum the Hormone and Gazette fan here), in that sense where you just keep watching and everything makes less and less sense. And what the hell is Mikee doing for vocals? Dude, I get you're not trying to be super heavy here, but maybe do anything but what you're doing right now. I dunno man, I don't get Outpatients at all. Maybe it's just the single that's leaving me with a bad taste and the rest will be cool? We'll see. Goodman had to say about the project via the SiKth Facebook page:

“Alright everyone, Mikee here. I would like to start by saying. That I have said in many interviews of recent day, and still do today. Once SikTh reunite. I’m there. I look forward to that. But, until that happens. I have to make other music. And I hope people will be open minded to what I am about to tell you.

I have a new band to announce, it is the heaviest, most frantic band I have done since SikTh. I am singing dual vocals with a Japanese female singer.

If you are a fan of my voice and lyrics, I think this would interest you a lot. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea I know that, but I would be grateful if you give it a chance.”

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