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Mustaine Mania

In the interest of fairness, I must print this recent quote by Dave Mustaine about the internet. You see, some people have accused us...

Upcoming Releases

…and I am so fucking stoked! Down's next EP will be simply called One, and it will drop September 18. The band made their...


A few months ago, there was complete uproar in the city of Boston with rumors of Old Man Gloom returning to grace us not...

Tour Dates

The Melvins are looking to make history by setting the Guinness World Record for the first band to play all 50 U.S. states and...


It's only Tuesday? That's kind of a bummer, why can't it be the weekend for a whole week, am I right? Thankfully, we have...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...

Hand Ov Doom

In celebration ov the nightmarish perversion of nature that is Friday the 13th, Infernal Proclamators Ben Danger and Robben the Grave have concocted  a...


Coined by producer/Hate Eternal frontman Erik Rutan, Alex Webster is the Steve Harris of death metal. Webster, one of the two remaining original members...

Latest News

We've already seen a teaser trailer for Rock Of Ages, the new movie based on the hit Broadway musical based on the top hit...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...


I want to be dead with my friends. – "Underwater Bimbos from Outer Space" In the year 2012, with album #6 in the chamber,...

Upcoming Releases

The Melvins always know how to keep busy, and busy they will be this Spring as they embark on a tour with Unsane. They will...


“All they have is just ‘bow-nuh, bow-duh-da-dow, we-dunna-weow-nee-nuh’” Just from hearing such a sample in “Punisher”, you immediately know that Veil of Maya aren’t...


It's Monday and my sinuses are acting up. I am pissed off but luckily some new metal music will get me through the day....

Upcoming Releases

You may recall that we told you a few months back of a new project which features Sacha Dunable of Intronaut and Graviton, Derek...


In this clip, Steel Panther decided to cover a classic holiday tune, the 12 days of Christmas, but with a Steel Panther twist. Good...


There's this movie: Werewolves on Wheels.  It came out in 1971 and combined one theme that was hugely popular at the time (bikers) with...

Tour Dates

We get comments all the time from European junkies talking about how jealous they are of certain US tours that will never make it...


Metal: A Headbangers Journey is one of my all-time favorite music documentaries. Sam Dunn did a phenomenal job bringing a professional eye into the...


The Gathering of the Juggalos is something I don't ever want to attend. But every year, thousands of people willingly go there, spending a...


The weekend is almost upon us, and what better way to kick it off then with a bunch of new tunes. So I'll save...


"If I can compare it to any other band, it would have to be Opeth, but it's different from the stuff we've done before....

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...