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Search results for "Instrumental"

New Music

Off their first new record in five years.


Guitarist Tony Iommi and drummer Bill Ward first appeared at Ozzy Osbourne’s doorstep in 1968. The pair arrived in response to an old “Ozzy Zig Needs a Gig” advertisement that had lingered even...

Back in the Day

“What’s my drug of choice?” We are “Junkheads” for Stone Temple Pilots’ Core and Alice in Chains’ Dirt. These masterpieces were both released on September 29th, 1992. Core and Dirt...


As strange and psychedelic as you would expect for an Enslaved and Ulver side project.

New Music

A terrifying, dreamy trip through the never.


Didn’t think prog-rock godfathers King Crimson could get heavy? Think again...


Revealed on a Doom call.


There is more to the German music scene than Rammstein, Accept, Oomph!, Lindemann, Doro, Scorpions, and Megaherz. Metal fans will remember Kreator and Sodom...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Alien Weaponry, Charlotte Wessels, and Employed To Serve.

Free Swag

System of a Down have a handful of live dates scheduled for this fall, and joining them for all five shows will be influential fusion-metal legends...


The year 2001 was absolutely massive for heavy music. Metal had branched out in a multitude of different directions across all corners of the...


"For nine songs, God Is Partying feels like more of an EP than a full length. Still, this record is likely to satisfy those...


A lot of people conflate rap metal and nü-metal, but really, how many nü-metal bands rap? Perhaps the presence of turntables and baggy shorts...


"There's some serious bangers and exploration here."

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. GREEN LUNG – Graveyard Sun Another advance sampling of this UK...


Russia is like a time machine. That is why one of the nation's most popular rock band goes by that name, Машина Времени/Time Machine....


A puzzle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a stained white t-shirt, Andrew W.K. is more than the sum of decades of partying. If...