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Search results for "Instrumental"


For some reason, there is an apprehension by metalheads to get into Rush. Some are (understandably) turned away by Geddy Lee’s zany, high-pitched vocals....

Back in the Day

Having built up a cult following on the back of their self-titled debut and a breakthrough showing on the Ozzfest tour, Slipknot’s sophomore album...


Overall, Wallflowers is enjoyable and Jinjer fans will certainly eat it up.

Music Videos

Riffs that'll crush your entire body.


The symphonic death metal band delve into ancient Roman history once again on their latest album The Thirteen Years of Nero.

Music Videos

Their new album is out this September.


In 2019, Seattle celebrated the first-ever Layne Staley Day. Layne Staley was born on August 22, 1967. Layne may have been 34 when he...

Latest News

It certainly draws the spacier elements.


Perhaps more than any of its predecessors, Colors II seems like the culmination of everything that came before it, fluidly incorporating virtually all of...

Breakups & Shakeups

They've changed their life goals during the pandemic.

Upcoming Releases

They're about to start filming music videos.

New Music

Equally as gloomy as their usual selves.


The year 1991 was truly transitional for a world of rock and metal – the big, bright hair metal acts that dominated the mid...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Agrypnie, Diskord, Feuerschwanz, Flame, Dear Flame, Serj Tankian, and Two Minutes To Late Night.

Upcoming Releases

Plus a handful of tracks are available now.


Saint or sinner. Ready or not. Lingua Ignota's third album is a tour de force of art as an emotional exorcism.

New Music

They're also streaming an instrumental version of a song.