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Search results for "Instrumental"

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Fading Trail Count The Days. Welcome back, Daylight Savings Time just struck so...


Over the course of two decades Detroit’s The Black Dahlia Murder have become one the most consistent and respected bands of the modern death...


Legendary guitarist, businessman, producer, music manger, ex-drug dealer and cancer survivor, Jay Jay French's life and times have been anything but dull. Longtime guitarist...


"At the end of the day, Still Sucks feels like a precursor of something better to come."


"Coherence is an outstanding melodic death metal album and is highly recommended to metal fans of all persuasions."


"Moss Grew On The Swords And Plowshares Alike epitomizes why Kayo Dot remains a laudable one-of-a-kind project."


We're bringing that beat back with some disregarded gems from one of metal's most divisive acts.


"The new Swedish death metal band Grand Cadaver brings together veterans of the scene for their old school debut Into the Maw of Death."

Mashups & Covers

The result is going to get stuck in your head, and it's going to be a problem.


"Cradle Of Filth's 13th album might not recreate the torture rack, to put it in Cradle Of Filth terms, but it hits the target."


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."


A View from the Top of the World is a promising glimpse into Dream Theater's possible future revitalization.


"This album’s balance of technical brutality, haunting ritualism and inexplicable catchiness can’t be replicated.."


We dig through Mastodon's back catalog to discover the under-appreciated and forgotten...


"In The Court Of The Dragon is well-written, well-executed, and a bold new step in the Trivium world."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Blanket, Creeping Death, Gus G, and Untamed Land.