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Lions At The Gate Credit Andre Giovani
Photo by Andre Giovani

Music Videos

LIONS AT THE GATE (Ex-ILL NIÑO) Streams New Song "Scapegoat"

Dudes know how to write a hook.

Lions At The Gate, the band featuring ex-Ill Niño vocalist Cristian Machado and guitarists Ahrue Luster and Diego Verduzco, is now streaming their second new single "Scapegoat". The single comes alongside a music video directed by Vicente Cordero, and does a great job constantly driving forward with its pounding rhythms and massive synth backdrops.

"'Scapegoat' was a song brought in by Ahrue. Everyone liked the song immediately, including our producer Kyle Odell," said Machado. "The instrumental had a chilling and beautiful metallic melody. I was quickly moved by the music and began to wonder about my own life. From there we began to sculpt a message.

"Dysfunctional people don't want to apologize or make amends, they want to resolve what's broken in them by damaging others. It's their great misconception that the scapegoat will be weak and remain powerless when it takes great strength to carry a burden you bare no guilt in."

Kyle and I realized early on that I was going through a very challenging time in my life with no outlet other than the music, and that perhaps this was what I needed to begin healing. A lot of painful memories were dug up and dealt with whilst recording. I am grateful the guys had the patience to help me work through it, and that music is still in my life. Hopefully these songs can speak to other like minded people and offer a sense of healing.

"The video for 'Scapegoat' is a performance art video. The band individually portrayed personal emotion as part of the art. Vicente Cordero's approach allowed us to feel comfortable in an environment where the performance and the emotion is the focus."

Lions At The Gate is expected to release more new music soon.

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Specifically Cristian Machado, Ahrue Luster, and Diego Verduzco.